[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
Installed version 2.3.1 from addon-repo and configured it with username/password.

now when a show ends i receive the following error (from logfile):

22:29:06 T:139742508017408  NOTICE: [trakt] [Rating] Rating Check called for 'episode'
22:29:06 T:139742508017408   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
                                            Error Contents: getAccountSettings() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/default.py", line 13, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/service.py", line 142, in run
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/service.py", line 47, in _dispatch
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/scrobbler.py", line 212, in playbackEnded
                                                ratingCheck(self.curVideo['type'], self.traktSummaryInfo, self.watchedTime, self.videoDuration, self.playlistLength)
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/rating.py", line 25, in ratingCheck
                                                rateMedia(media_type, summary_info)
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/rating.py", line 45, in rateMedia
                                            TypeError: getAccountSettings() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

Have i configured something wrong? Or do i need to update the addon. Any help appreciated!

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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by chriguhose - 2014-02-07, 02:02
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13