Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2014-02-22, 23:29)k4rtan Wrote: Hej, detta verkar ju kanon! Fantastiskt om man kunde se viaplay direkt i xbmc. Jag är registrerad användare där men får upp följande felmeddelande när jag försöker se live sport:

script failed!

Thanks, unfortunately the playback has to be done through the web browser (Chrome on Windows and Linux and Safari on Mac OS/X).
The reason for this is that Viaplay is using Silverlight and PlayReady DRM protection which makes it very hard to have internal playback in XBMC.

Could you send me your xbmc.log file as a PM, the file is located under %appdata%\xbmc on Windows.
It will make it easier for me to locate the problem.

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RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden,Denmark,Norway,Finland) - by MDDSD - 2014-02-23, 00:12
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[Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued9