XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
  • the size of the CSS has been decreased slightly, which should decrease the time it takes to open the application the first time
  • fixed a cosmetic issue where dropdown menues in the filter were slightly smaller than text inputs
  • added ability to ignore article when sorting
  • fixed the previously mentioned issue where an update to the underlying JSON-RPC client would break the application if "cache API results" was enabled
  • it is no longer possible to switch to a backend if that backend is unconnectable
  • downloading a file using the download links now properly opens a dialog, thus forcing the browser not to attempt to play it in-browser. The filename is also properly set to the original.
  • improve logging when failing to configure a backend. If for some reason you're unable to figure out why adding a backend doesn't work, check the logs.
  • allow access to the system log before the first backend has configure (to be able to check for additional clues)
  • use a slimmed down menu before the application is configured
  • you will now be redirected to the settings page the first time you configure a backend

Follow the usual upgrade instructions on Github to get the latest code.

Messages In This Thread
RE: XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents - by negge - 2014-02-24, 15:08
Reverse Proxy Problem - by tsthomas - 2014-10-23, 19:20
Doctor Who xmas Specials - by ZennMystic - 2015-12-31, 02:39
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents9