Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
Don't know if this is a bug with the Universal Album Scraper or with XBMC its self.
I am running window 7 with the latest Gotham nightly and have noticed lately that if I rescan an album using the universal album scraper so I can get to the information screen, it does some weird things to the artist names.
It only changes the artist names if it has symbols in the artist name

For Example -
"Sting & Eric Clapton" will become "Sting & Eric ClaptonEric Clapton"
"Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler" will become "Dire Straits & Mark KnopflerMark Knopfler"

If I scan in with the Audiodb scraper all is ok but when you do a new update, the universal album scraper wants to rescan them and stuffs them up again.

Below is an example

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RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by bolter - 2014-02-25, 08:06
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Universal Scraper for Music Albums7