Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc
Guys joining this party very late but despite of searching the net and scouring this forum I couldn't find a way to send sound from raspbmc to my bluetooth speaker.
I have an acer K11 projector which I have connected to my raspbmc. This setup allows me to access my nas media center through my raspbmc wirelessly and project it on my wall using my projector. The whole setup works pretty neatly since the raspbmc is powered through my acer kqq USB port. Tunis means that when I start up my projector my raspbmc boots up and presents a nice display. Now the problem is that the acer k11 projector has very teeny speakers (2watts) which are no good. I can hook up a small speaker to my raspbmc via the audio Pitt but it would mean hooking up my speakers next to my projector, I would rather have raspbmc send. Audio wirelessly to my bluetooth speakers placed next to my projection wall to give the cinematic experience. In worst case scenario I would run a wire across the room, but don't want to give up so soon. Hopefully I can find a solution for streaming audio via bluetooth to my sony bluetooth speakers. Please don't give suggestion to use analog to bluetooth adapters on raspbmc, I am hell bent on hooking up a bluetooth dingle in raspbmc and transmitting audio via bluetooth.

Messages In This Thread
Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by spacex - 2013-07-26, 07:28
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by fedexp - 2013-07-26, 09:27
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by spacex - 2013-07-26, 09:47
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by fedexp - 2013-07-26, 09:53
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by spacex - 2013-07-26, 20:01
Re: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by nickr - 2013-07-27, 02:09
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by spacex - 2013-07-27, 09:04
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by spacex - 2013-07-27, 11:16
Re: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by nickr - 2013-07-27, 14:40
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by spacex - 2013-07-28, 15:37
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by Rajeevsa - 2014-02-26, 01:15
RE: Bluetooth Audio under Raspbmc - by nickr - 2014-02-26, 03:08
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