Release Random Trailers Screensaver / Script - plays random trailers from library
I upgraded to latest version 1.1.15 from the 1.0.1 which was the Service only. Now none of my trailers play it just goes to a black screen, or the intro video plays if it is enabled the goes to black.
I only have Library enables and all other functions are off. I am on XBMC Frodo version 12.3 and an using Aeon Nox 4.09 for a skin. I have not uninstalled version 1.0.1 but I did disable it because it does still work and I would rather have it than nothing. It is a very cool function. I'm a bit disappointed I can't use the newer functions that you added such as the ability to play the movie of the current trailer and see the Title and Info. Have any suggestions? Should I uninstall the old version? Is it available elsewhere if I do and the new version still doesn't work?

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RE: Random Trailers Screensaver / Script - plays random trailers from library - by Henchmanc - 2014-03-16, 08:17
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Random Trailers Screensaver / Script - plays random trailers from library2