Linux Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.
(2014-03-16, 03:27)capfuturo Wrote: Hello fellows, I read and read how this should be configured to get it up and running in Ubuntu but how do you get this done in Windows and XBMC Gotham Beta? I'd very much appreciate your help before I pull my hair. Thanks!

I have no experience with Windows but if I remember correctly I by chance read before that AnyDVDHD can remove protections in the backgound on the fly. Then XBMC would just see it as a unencrypted disc.

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RE: Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option. - by shadow - 2014-03-16, 13:02
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Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.1