DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available
+1 for xy-vsfilter integration Nod , best subtitle renderer out there, btw i dont think the vs guys would know how to integrate it into dsplayer build , someone working on dsplayer build dev would have to get the renderer integrated to replace the

current crappy sub renderer , nothing the vs guys can do the way i see it, maybe tiben20 has a proper solution to that issue perhaps or someone as skilled, since something tells me this is similar to replacing the internal video renderer aka

putting madvr in dsplayer builds , so having to do the same thing for the internal sub renderer engine would be having to as well replace and integrate xy-vsfilter accordingly , i could be wrong there thou , just a hunch

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RE: DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available - by hentai23 - 2014-03-19, 15:39
HELP!!! - by takiyon - 2014-12-28, 16:12
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DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available8