WIP Adding Audio DSP Plugin to AddonManager
Dear All,

I'm a DSP users with XBMC and I like optimize sound with my DSP (FabFilter). This is my trick :
1) I install Virtual Audio Cable to generate an out virtual audio.
2) I install pedalboard2 (like console). This soft is to use DSP with audio output and input.

In XBMC, I'm using the Virtual Audio Cable output audio (in system). With Pedalboard2, I can use my DSP like : VirtualAudioCable out -> DSP -> Out Audio Card (Motherboard standart audio out)
It's work very well but I think it's very complicated.

I follow this theard because it would be great to have a DSP add-on to use Dll DSP.

Thanks you for your work and i hope this addon will work with XBMC.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adding Audio DSP Plugin to AddonManager - by polarrys - 2014-03-25, 20:42
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