[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2
hello i have a Vu+ Solo2 running Blackhole latest image with OpenWebIf. I have been trying to get the PVR plugin to work properly, with no success.
I can get the channel list and the EPG from the box and get picture on channels, my problem is that I am not getting the correct channels streamed.
I am using Vhannibal motor list and after a couple hundred channels the list starts to slip, at first the difference is 1-2 channels but as i move down
the list the difference becomes bigger. This must have something to do with the channel database that is build on my XBMC box(windown 7 machine)
Anybody else having the same issueHuh
I tried enabling the smart service renaming and rebuild the channel database many times but always the same problem.
Also i am trying to find a way to move between bouquets(a shortcut or something) but i can't seem to find one, and finding the bouquet i want
in 12000 channels is pretty difficult without bouquets.

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RE: [WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2 - by xalaros - 2014-03-27, 09:01
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[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox217