[HOW TO] KODI Linux on Amlogic TV Boxes

So far, there is no desktop Linux distribution for the Geniatech ATVs. All the Geniatech boxes have Amlogic SoCs (System on Chip). There has been a lot more work on desktop Linux for the Rockchip SoCs.

This thread details a way to dual boot desktop Linux from an SD card using the Rockchip SoC:


Because Rockchip boxes have access to a desktop Linux, they don't need a stand alone XBMC, they just use the Linux version of XBMC for Linux desktop. Since Amlogic boxes don't have a Linux desktop, folks have concentrated on stand alone Linux/XBMC versions.

If you find a functioning desktop Linux for Amlogic boxes, let us know because we would be interested.


Messages In This Thread
Falling at the first hurdle - by malcolmbarr - 2014-02-16, 16:17
RE: [HOW TO] XBMC Linux on Geniatech Devices - by tinker - 2014-04-04, 14:52
TVHeadend hangs at channel switch - by vvd214 - 2014-08-29, 09:20
. - by jon4248 - 2015-05-23, 17:00
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[HOW TO] KODI Linux on Amlogic TV Boxes5