WIP Adding Audio DSP Plugin to AddonManager
What's about the audio sampling rate in audiophile (high-end audio) usage ?

Can we ask ffmpeg to never resample the audio, for delivering "bit exact" audio (44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz or 192 kHz) to Stage 1 in the audio DSP pipeline ?
Say that the whole audio DSP pipeline is made of audiophile VSTs custom-designed supporting the 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz audio sampling rates.
Can ffmpeg tell the original audio resolution (16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit) to Stage 1 in the audio DSP pipeline, for Stage 1 adding the optimal dithering for achieving a 32-bit data width, without denormal issues ?
Can ffmpeg tell all VSTs the original audio sampling rate for all VSTs automatically selecting the corresonding IIR BiQuads coefficients, FIR coefficients and delays ?
Can the XBMC DSP pipeline manager measure the actual CPU usage and flag any overload for asking Stage 1 to downsample to 96 kHz when the current audio is 192 kHz, or to downsample to 48 kHz when the current audio is 96 kHz ?

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RE: Adding Audio DSP Plugin to AddonManager - by steph_tsf - 2014-04-19, 23:51
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Adding Audio DSP Plugin to AddonManager7