[Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR
Genres working perfect! All genres/categories is working. I'm using Webgrab+Plus and XEPG to convert the XML file to DVBViewer and then to XBMC. Every 3 days Windows execute a Bat file (automatically) and re-grab all EPG (for the next 3 days). I'm using the latest Gotham Beta 4 with the latest RS and add-on (1.9.15) and Aeon Nox for Gotham. The result...amazing!!


Thank you very much A600 Wink

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New Version of PVR.Addon?? - by tvfreak - 2012-12-02, 18:20
Wrong channel name - by Highjack - 2013-04-27, 19:16
RE: [Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR - by tocinillo - 2014-04-20, 18:14
Cannot connect to dvbviewer... - by blion - 2014-11-22, 12:34
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[Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR12