Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares
Ok so what I did is I was in the folder area in files and clicked the folder that's on my server. It just hung there and didn't wake up the computer.

Then Rebooted the Pi. It woke up the computer on reboot of the pi.

Then I was in the home screen put the computer to sleep and selected files and the pi froze.

Then Rebooted the Pi. It woke up the computer on reboot.

I sent a log on both attepmts and everytime I try to access my folders it won't wake up the computer. Only on reboot.

The log files are listed below.

I also know about the Advanced Wake on LAN is a feature I've used. There is a script that you can add to the favorites.xml. Would this solve my problem?

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by vexation - 2012-03-01, 17:10
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-01, 20:45
[No subject] - by Vascular - 2012-03-02, 15:29
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-02, 15:42
[No subject] - by regnets - 2012-03-08, 20:05
[No subject] - by Dam0 - 2012-03-09, 13:41
RE: Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares - by chris8837 - 2014-05-06, 02:35
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