[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution
I get this error when using the GiantBomb plugin as a type 15.

A quick google search gives me this info in regards to the python error.

I realize the linked user's problem has nothing to do with this, but I figured the solution may be related, I dunno. This may just be the case of a plugin that's incompatible with channel type 15, but I figured it's worth a shot if it's just an encoding bug that could open up a few more plugin options.

Let me know if you need a more complete log.

In ChannelList.py, changing line 3872 from:
Detail = str((filetype) + ',' + str(title) + ',' + str(genre) + ',' + str(runtime) + ',' + str(description) + ',' + str(file)).replace(',,',',')

Detail = str((filetype) + ',' + str(title.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) + ',' + str(genre) + ',' + str(runtime) + ',' + str(description) + ',' + str(file)).replace(',,',',')

fixed the problem.

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[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution45