XBMC on Pi: Add TV/monitor Power Save support when idle?
with the changes, I can't seem to get the log file to write.
rc.local has
2014-05-25 10:26:00.430752:MainThread: Command line args: ['/home/pi/texturecache.py', '@logfile=/home/pi/t6.txt', '@debug=yes', '@xbmc.host=localhost', '@bin.ceccontrol=/home/pi/mytv.sh', 'rbphdmi', '300']
2014-05-25 10:26:00.431864:MainThread: Current version #: v1.6.1
2014-05-25 10:26:00.432612:MainThread: Current platform : linux2
2014-05-25 10:26:00.433420:MainThread: Python  version #: v2.7.3.0 (final)
2014-05-25 10:26:00.448360:MainThread: RPC connection established with IPv6
2014-05-25 10:26:00.449786:MainThread: libVersion.JSON SOCKET REQUEST: [{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "JSONRPC.Version", "id": "libVersion"}]
2014-05-25 10:26:00.453476:MainThread: libVersion.BUFFER RECEIVED (len 89)
2014-05-25 10:26:00.455039:MainThread: libVersion.PARSING JSON DATA: {"id":"libVersion","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"version":{"major":6,"minor":15,"patch":3}}}
2014-05-25 10:26:00.456123:MainThread: libVersion.PARSING COMPLETE, elapsed time: 0.001589 seconds
2014-05-25 10:26:00.462255:MainThread: libVersion.FINISHED, elapsed time: 0.008938 seconds
2014-05-25 10:26:00.464043:MainThread: libPVR.JSON SOCKET REQUEST: [{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"booleans": ["System.GetBool(pvrmanager.enabled)"]}, "method": "XBMC.GetInfoBooleans", "id": "libPVR"}]
2014-05-25 10:26:00.501594:MainThread: libPVR.BUFFER RECEIVED (len 85)
2014-05-25 10:26:00.502828:MainThread: libPVR.PARSING JSON DATA: {"id":"libPVR","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"System.GetBool(pvrmanager.enabled)":false}}
2014-05-25 10:26:00.503814:MainThread: libPVR.PARSING COMPLETE, elapsed time: 0.001210 seconds
2014-05-25 10:26:00.504724:MainThread: libPVR.FINISHED, elapsed time: 0.039727 seconds
2014-05-25 10:26:00.505911:MainThread: JSON CAPABILITIES: {'isodates': True, 'texturedb': True, 'setseason': True, 'setresume': True, 'filternullval': True, 'removeart': True, 'setmovieset': True}
and is owned by root

Changing the start in rc.local to
sleep 20 && su pi -c '/home/pi/texturecache.py @logfile=/home/pi/t6.txt @debug=yes @xbmc.host=localhost @bin.ceccontrol=/home/pi/mytv.sh rbphdmi 300'
ie: adding su pi -c and wrapping the command in ' still has the same lines, but owner is now pi

Media Companion Dev.
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RE: XBMC on Pi: Add TV/monitor Power Save support when idle? - by vbat99 - 2014-05-25, 00:28
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