DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available
Not that it seems that anyone is listening, but I want to document another BUG in the DSPlayer builds:

From the python API, calling xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.VideoAspect") retrieves the wrong aspect ratio information when playing using DSPlayer. However, when playing using the standard DVDplayer (in the DSPlayer build by using the context menu), it retrieves the correct information.

This is in addition to the other bug I previously reported that the python RenderCapture consistently fails in the DSPlayer builds for both DSPlayer and DVDPlayer. I understand why it might fail for DSPlayer but do not understand why it would fail for DVDPlayer.

One other thing to note is that the Monitor.onPlayBackStarted() event fires late in the DSPlayer builds. This is relevant because in the current 13.0 and 13.1 releases, the onPlayBackStarted() event does not fire for external players, forcing developers to monitor for that occurrence in a loop. This will be fixed in the next release and has already been addressed by the development team. The end result is that if you are monitoring and firing that event more quickly than DSPlayer is firing it, it may end up firing twice.

I am posting this here to hopefully prevent someone else from having to go through the discovery process that I have in order to ensure that their scripts/plugins run correctly with DSPlayer builds. I myself love DSPlayer, but the fact that the developers who put in all of the time and effort to release these builds do not even acknowledge bugs is disheartening. I understand that there may be some reasons that some of these things cannot or will not be fixed, but any sort of feedback would be appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
RE: DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available - by KenV99 - 2014-06-22, 22:49
HELP!!! - by takiyon - 2014-12-28, 16:12
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DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available8