[Project] Dual Audio Output support (Nexus/Matrix/Krypton/Jarvis/Isengard/Helix/...)
I just used xhbls patch file without any changes for a Generic/x86_64 build and it worked like a charm. I didn't notice any problems with patching xbmc.
All I did was using OpenELEC git repository (openelec-4.0 branch), copying the patch file into the right directory and starting to build.

As I do not need any other builds (like ATV, RaspPi, ...) you have to build it on your own.
LibreELEC DualAudio builds - 7.0.2: Generic.x86_64, RPi.arm, RPi2.arm, imx6.arm, WeTek_Core.arm, WeTek_Play.arm

Messages In This Thread
Thank you! - by OCDHD - 2014-06-26, 03:56
RE: [PATCH] Return of the Dual Audio Output support (Gotham/Frodo) - by DarkAngel2401 - 2014-07-01, 02:49
Works great! Thank you! - by britishopen93 - 2014-07-18, 12:43
RPi Openelec.. how to.. - by kramegna - 2014-12-03, 17:27
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[Project] Dual Audio Output support (Nexus/Matrix/Krypton/Jarvis/Isengard/Helix/...)9