[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution
Luna, I am now using the built in BCT rules instead of doing it manually by interleaving like I did before to make my setup less complicated. However I have run into a snag, I requested previously that you add an ignore rule which I am finding invaluable (Thanks). I turned off BCT's on the childrens channels because some trailers in my folder are not suitable for children. But now the childrens channels have programs running back to back. I was wondering if it were at all possible to further tweak the ignore BCT rule.

It would be great if you could make it even more flexable by being able to separate BCT's within the settings menu, by turning them on and off individually. Something like this maybe? ....


In the mockup the bumpers are preserved from the exclude BCT rule.

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[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution45