'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source
(2014-07-15, 10:09)schumi2004 Wrote: I don't even understand why people buy those overpriced stuff but that's me.
Nice example though on how XBMC is dragged in to something illegal and promoted as such.

(2014-04-10, 20:31)DITisTV Wrote: On our productpage we link directly to the GPL license which is posted on our website; http://ditistv.nl/openelec-gpl-licentie/
We also freely distribute the image of our install. All of our images are also freely available on our website.
Both claims are falls, gpl license link is dead and didn't find the images used.,

They remodeled their website and all GPL stuff including the images disappeared.

On facebook they claim it's not an update it's a totally new OS and that's why you have to pay. Previously they stated that all future upgrades will be free.

again, distasteful and deceitful

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RE: 'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source - by Shenkie - 2014-07-15, 11:40
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'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source2