Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
I was hoping for a reply before posting again, but alas ... if I'm ommitting something worth posting let me know!

Here's another example, with similar results, that is, the scrape request hits musicbrainz API, and manually checking the URL, I can confirm it returns a result. What I don't understand is why XBMC doesn't update.

So, another example, if it helps.

The single Free by Estelle.

audioDB entry:
XBMC log:
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"

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RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by n1md4 - 2014-07-23, 01:12
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