Linux VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.04
Have sent PM with links to screen caps and timings.

Checked on two Intel machines. i7-2600K running Ubuntu and the fernetmenta build (temporarily compiled with YADIF not W3FDIF!) and an i5-4250U NUC running OpenElec 4.0.6

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RE: vaapi-sse4: Deinterlacing Testing - by noggin - 2014-07-29, 20:27
EDID / HDMI Handshake workaround - by Ney - 2014-10-29, 13:58
Thank you! - by Sta11ion - 2015-01-02, 01:51
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VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.0416