Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.1

I just committed 13.2 yesterday - staying on the latest and greatest!

The error you're seeing is an XBMC file error. The XFILE::CDirectoryFactory is an internal XBMC C++ class. My guess is that it doesn't like something about the picture you are trying to load. Could be characters in the filename or something about the image itself. I don't know alot about Aeon Nox but does it have views in the Movie area where you can see the fanart as a background or something? I'd be curious if you found the movie in your movie list if the background would show up there - it should be loading the same image name.

I also tried to search for that error in both the forum and on trac - couldn't find anything. Might be worth a ticket on

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RE: Fanart Grabber - script for skinners - by robweber - 2014-07-31, 15:43
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Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.13