AMLogic hardware video decoding in nightly builds
(2014-08-04, 02:17)bass305 Wrote: I have product called Ditter U29 AML8726-MX, I have the same audio sync problem but fixed with 666 permissions

I unpack boot.img from my device and in file called init.amlogic.rc appear much chmod 0664 to /sys/class/*:

chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/pts_video
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/pts_audio
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/event
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/mode
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/av_threshold_min
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/av_threshold_max
chmod 0664 /sys/class/tsync/enable
chmod 0664 /sys/class/video/blackout_policy
chmod 0664 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
chmod 0664 /sys/class/video/axis
chmod 0664 /sys/class/video/disable_video
chmod 0664 /sys/class/video/zoom
and much more

For this cause, You can't change permissions on every boot with INIT.D enabled and script on /etc/init.d because this execute script before boot.img change permissions

INIT.D script permissions -> boot.img permissions -> Load Android

But you only need change permissions on:

chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw

For change permissions on boot device, There are two ways:

Easy (Need ROOT):

Follow this tutorial:

But on script name put amlogic and put this content:

chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw

Reboot and presto, change permissions correctly!

SManager run script after load Android and change permissions after boot.img

boot.img permissions -> Load Android -> SManager run script for change permissions

Unpack boot.img, Open file called init.amlogic.rc and change this lines to chmod 666:

chmod 664 /sys/class/video/axis
chmod 664 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
chmod 664 /sys/class/video/disable_video
chmod 664 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
chmod 664 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw

Before this, Flash boot.img with CWM or flash_image binary from Rockchip devices (Yes, Work on Amlogic devices)

I recommend to use EASY step for avoid dead your device

For developers this is complete init.amlogic.rc:

My device is rooted and I see XBMC applying these permissions at boot, so then I don't need smanager right?
My XBMC / Kodi history.
XBMC for XBOX -> XBMC for Windows -> XBMC for Android -> Kodi for Android - > Kodi v16 OE (Amlogic) -> Kodi v17 LE (NUC 2x) -> Kodi v18.5 LE (NUC 2x)

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RE: AMLogic hardware video decoding in nightly builds - by lexi81 - 2014-08-04, 10:05
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