Youtube app only doing 720p....
Okay so today I downloaded the XBMC/Kodi Youtube app and set all my preferences, 1080p etc etc but when I actually play a 1080p video, it just does 720p, this annoys me to no end because 720p looks quite bad on a 1080p monitor. I've heard this is something to do with DASH or something, I have no idea what it is. If you guys have any solutions feel free to post down below. This just sucks, back on Frodo this never happened but back then it had login issues. I've used two versions of the app as well 4.4.10 to 4.4.9

Messages In This Thread
Youtube app only doing 720p.... - by JQLeitch - 2014-08-16, 17:12
RE: Youtube app only doing 720p.... - by orby - 2014-08-17, 10:43
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