A legal alternate to Icefilms?
So you honestly thought that content that is paid for by every other means can suddenly become totally free with an addon within XBMC without something shady being involved Huh If there was such a legal avenue don't you think everyone would be using for products such as Smart TV's?

The simple guide is does that addon simply provide a XBMC interface to a web service, where you can sign up and watch stuff on the web service ala Netflix, hulu etc, so the addon simply connects to servers that host the streams for that legal web service.

Add-ons with illegal content will typically have no web interface equivalent (as it would be taken down by the rights holders) and so the media will be stored on a file sharing service, anything streaming from a file sharing service will usually be illegal.

Messages In This Thread
A legal alternate to Icefilms? - by remops - 2012-01-23, 01:11
[No subject] - by kegobeer - 2012-01-23, 01:29
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-23, 01:52
[No subject] - by x5-452 - 2012-01-23, 02:11
[No subject] - by remops - 2012-01-23, 02:15
[No subject] - by Martijn - 2012-01-23, 02:21
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-23, 02:26
[No subject] - by BlueCop - 2012-01-23, 02:47
[No subject] - by kegobeer - 2012-01-23, 02:57
[No subject] - by remops - 2012-01-23, 03:18
RE: - by MassIV - 2012-04-19, 05:52
[No subject] - by remops - 2012-01-23, 03:28
[No subject] - by remops - 2012-01-23, 03:38
[No subject] - by BlueCop - 2012-01-23, 03:47
[No subject] - by misterChris - 2012-01-23, 04:04
[No subject] - by mikeplow1961 - 2012-01-23, 13:24
[No subject] - by svtfmook - 2012-01-23, 16:26
[No subject] - by Mighty_Diamond - 2012-01-23, 16:42
[No subject] - by StinDaWg - 2012-01-23, 22:56
[No subject] - by DDDamian - 2012-01-23, 23:26
[No subject] - by crawl - 2012-01-23, 23:49
[No subject] - by canadave - 2012-01-23, 23:52
[No subject] - by iR0NBiLL - 2012-01-23, 23:57
[No subject] - by iR0NBiLL - 2012-01-23, 23:58
[No subject] - by iR0NBiLL - 2012-01-24, 00:06
RE: A legal alternate to Icefilms? - by jjd-uk - 2014-08-21, 12:42
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