[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution
(2014-09-09, 01:19)Lunatixz Wrote: I still see users using older versions of PseudoTV Live , if you are one of them could you give me insight on why?

Being off this week Ive had some extra time and have been testing 4.07, 4.08, and 4.09...After trying them on all three of my machines and with various different combinations of XBMC/PTVL skins I've gone back to 4.07 and I'll explain why...

The difference in overall speed and smoothness between 4.07 and the two newer versions is pretty huge. After a single running of the Artwork Spooler as you scroll through the EPG the dynamic artwork loads without any noticeable lag. I put a dummy landscape.jpg file under the dynamic artwork to test it and on 4.07 I would only see the landscape.jpg file for less than a second (if that).

With the exact same settings after a single running of Artwork Spooler, On 4.09 there is a pretty heavy lag for the Dynamic Artwork as you scroll through the EPG. That same Landscape.jpg file would be fully visible for 3-4 seconds and sometimes longer.

Similar lag situation with the info overlay as well.

On 4.07 tapping the "I" key would display/hide the overlay instantly.

On 4.09 tapping the "I" key displays the overlay instantly but it takes more than a few seconds for it to hide it again.

Other bugs I've noticed on 4.09 are Artwork Spooler seems to run almost constantly and despite creating a backup settings2 file i've noticed significantly more "no channels found" errors.

4.09 did upgrade the amount of art displayed since now interleaved youtube videos display art which is great and also the "Reset Every X Days" rule coming back is also great, but having said that, in my experience 4.07 runs so much smoother than 4.09, hope this doesn't sound negative though because Im sure once the bugs are ironed out in 4.10 that version will be great.

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[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution45