Deprecated PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX
It was on the default folder. I change it to my "Videos" folder and now it works. Definitely a permissions issue. Sorry about the mistake.

Strange that the folder for this addon was "read-only" but the other addons that "export to library" have no write issues. Is that a setting on my end or something with the install?

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Beta] "PseudoLibrary" Strm Generator w/ Library Integration - by locoguano - 2014-10-01, 04:55
CrackleR - by TheIrreverend - 2015-06-13, 17:15
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PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX5