'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source
NO IT IS NOT CRIMINAL to make money from open source. It is illegal [0] to take GPL2 licensed source code, change it, compile it, and distribute it without also making the source available [1].

If someone is pays me to install open source software on their computer, or to buy a computer off me with open source software installed for mor than the hardware cost, then that is up to them. It is not a breach of the GPL2.

[0] a breach of copyright law, although not necessarily "criminal".
[1] In fact you have to provide the source if you distribute the binary, even if you have not changed the source!
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RE: 'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source - by nickr - 2014-10-07, 22:34
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'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source2