OS X Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick
Actually, because of several people recommending NFS to me, I've given it another try and while I haven't tested everything yet, it seems to work ok now.
Last time I tested it I hadn't adjusted the cache settings in advancedsettings.xml yet (both cachemembuffer & readbufferfactor), so that might very well have been the cause of the stuttering. So far, no stutters or freezes in 1+ hrs of streaming HD video, I'm gonna let it run for a while longer just to be sure (currently playing Twin Peaks, I can do this all day Smile).
I also found out the hard way that NFS paths do not like spaces in volume names when one of my external HDDs had a glitchy connection, I just changed the name to prevent issues.
I have also enabled Wake on LAN on both my mac and in XBMC, I think the OSX function only works with an airport device (which I do not have), but it seems to be working now and I have enabled sleep on my MBP again.

If I run into any other issues I'll give an update, but for now it seems like my NFS overhaul + XBMC tweaking might have worked. Thanks, all.

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RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - by InvisibleMonkey - 2014-10-16, 11:17
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Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick0