[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator
I spent some quality time making this work and just couldn't do it.

Each of my movies has its own folder with the following structure:

E:movies(bluray)\toy story\toy story.mkv (there is no artwork in this folder)
E:movies(bluray)\toy story2\toy story2.mkv (there is no artwork in this folder)
E:movies(bluray)\toy story3\toy story3.mkv (there is no artwork in this folder)

I created a new folder for movie set art work automator and copies the posters with the following structure:

D:artwork\toy story-poster.jpg
D:artwork\toy story2-poster.jpg
D:artwork\toy story3-poster.jpg

Movie set automator goes to: D:Artwork

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

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RE: [RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator - by Edworld - 2014-10-20, 02:45
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[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator6