Release P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi
Ah I got it now. It is totally unrelated, probably it opened again because a few time has passed as I mention on the wiki.

As for the PS that's normal with sopcast because on the first 1/2 minutes it buffers a lot (p2p network is still getting stable) so your download rate is low and if the stream is HQ the piece of video you download on those 15 seconds is really small. So xbmc plays it faster than the rate you're downloading and quits the playback leaving the binary running. I made it work this way because you can reconnect back really fast. You can also try to increase those 15 seconds timeout but it will only add delay to the stream you're watching.

I think this is the best way of dealing with it. Enter the stream...if it quits...launch it again using the same session Smile This also happens in other platforms like android for example...sometimes xbmc just drops the playback assuming it has reached the end of file.But as the binary is still running in the background, you can pick it back quickly.

Thanks for re-writting it

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P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi14