[Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR
Here's the requested favourite.xml

Please mind the DVBV developer has answered quite comprehensively to this issue, so probably there's no need for you to spend more time into this.

Would request for your kind attention though on one more remaining issue, which has impeded my project to upgrade to Gotham altogether. Had described it in more detail here. If it's not in your control, hope at least you could escalate it internally to get it fixed for Helix.

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
New Version of PVR.Addon?? - by tvfreak - 2012-12-02, 18:20
Wrong channel name - by Highjack - 2013-04-27, 19:16
RE: [Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR - by alx359 - 2014-11-04, 16:13
Cannot connect to dvbviewer... - by blion - 2014-11-22, 12:34
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[Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR12