Bug Duplicate music artists under one song for XBMC and Kodi
Pulling this one up... Helix has the same issue.
A track 123 feat. DEF by artist ABC has both artists (ABC and DEF) as musicbrainz artist IDs, seperated by semicolon.
When it's added to the library, I see in the album view ABC / ABC - 123 (feat DEF).
Once I query the album infos manually, the album view shows ABC / DEF - 123 (feat. DEF) - as it should.

I can't believe we're the only ones having this issue...

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RE: XBMC13.1 - Duplicate music artists under one song - by mancer - 2014-11-07, 13:30
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Duplicate music artists under one song for XBMC and Kodi1