Release Foscam HD - Video feed with camera controls, and motion/sound detection preview
(2014-11-21, 05:55)danillll Wrote: It's really strange that the Fast Forwarding trick is not working for you, I assume that the Foscam IE windows plugin works without delay? This should eliminate networking problem, the other thing is the XBMC version, I am running Gotham with Nvidia VDPAU , I wonder if this would make a difference on the ffmpeg

I made short video showing how it works for me.
First attempt was using the plugin as is, not sure how well you can see, but notice the delay was 3-4 seconds since I hit the arrow until the screen refreshes.
Second attempt, I enabled the setting to seek + amplification and notice the delay is around 0.3 seconds which is very acceptable.

Feel free to merge these changes
A small polishing needs to be done which will involve making XBMC webserver, which is used by json rpc calls, configurable, right now it is hard-coded to localhost and 8080
ive done some more testing and if i actually go into the add on and use the fast forward trick it does catch up to the ie plugin after afew seconds but its more the motion detection thats so far behind because im using it at my front door it really shows the delay

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RE: Foscam HD - by George - 2014-03-27, 17:30
RE: Foscam HD - Video feed with camera controls, and motion/sound detection preview - by freddy12 - 2014-11-21, 11:59
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Foscam HD - Video feed with camera controls, and motion/sound detection preview1