Release P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi
Hi all,

I firstly want to thank developers for the great work and support.

I have a doubt, perhaps an stupid one, but I've not been able to solve it and have not found an answer on the thread.

I use Ubuntu and when I found an acestream link and copy it (from web browser), then I enter XBMC and go to the plugin, but then I'm unable to paste the link I've previously copy, so I can't add the acestream link and have to copy it manually (what has nonsense).

How can I copy the link and be able to paste on XBMC, or even better, is there a way to select the acestream link on the web browser and make it open automatically XBMC and play it?


Messages In This Thread
How to enter Sopcast link? - by qknet - 2014-11-21, 12:48
RE: P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for XBMC/Kodi - by Xander Log - 2014-11-24, 13:33
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P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi14