Video tearing on Nightly/Maverick
efty.edge: Do you still find your configuration to be working without any noticeable tearing?

I was never able to get Gotham to work without tearing so I ended up going back to Frodo. I hoped that the combination Yosemite+Nightly Helix would solve the tearing issue but it's still there after a fresh install of Yosemite and Helix.

I've tested all the combinations of software/hardware/accelerated hardware, toggle vertical sync etc that I could think of, but all of them show more or less tearing. Will do some more testing even if I don't really have any hope of finding a configuration that works. But I really don't want to go back to Frodo after testing both Gotham and Helix. Tongue

Also I've skipped the audio receiver and I'm now only taking 2.0 stereo sound directly to tv without any change, so the sound does not appear to affect this.

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RE: Video tearing on Nightly/Maverick - by manhas - 2014-12-01, 20:25
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