Release P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi
I apologise for my first post being problem related.
This add-on has been working great since I originally installed it but it has updated a couple of times recently and is no longer working. I get a script error whenever I try to use it. Here is a link to the log file. Hopefully it's in the correct format etc. I've never used pastebin before or had any reason to look at log files.
The problem seems to start at line 269.
My xbmc log


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How to enter Sopcast link? - by qknet - 2014-11-21, 12:48
RE: P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for XBMC/Kodi - by Guy Incognito - 2014-12-07, 15:12
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P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi14