[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2
I cant connect with VU+ from my rapberry xbmc to dreambox 500HD. I have tried från respberrymc and open elec. I says connection lost after that i have configured VU+ and activated live-tv. It worked the first time and it downloaded all channels then it is not possible. It feels like my box dont answer. I can still go to webif from my computer, reboted everything several times with different settings. Please help.

Dreambox 500HD
OpenPLi 4

VU+ version 1.9.11

I have read in every forum that I found and tested everything. Maby Its not possible to use them together.

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RE: [WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2 - by gus_tav - 2014-12-11, 13:48
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[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox217