DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available
Hello every body,

I have the last release of Kodi "14.0 Helix Final" DSP version.
Sometimes the speed of the video is higher than the normal. I stop the video, close Kodi and restart the video. Some times it's OK, sometime I have to do this several times.
Do you have this issue?
I use ffdshow (last version too from 2014-09-29) for video and audio.

What can I do?

Messages In This Thread
RE: DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available - by FCB38 - 2014-12-26, 09:57
HELP!!! - by takiyon - 2014-12-28, 16:12
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DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available8