Release P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi

I have a problem with sopcast.

When i click a sopcast link It starts the SopCast.exe simultaneously as redirecting the feed to xbmc.
I have choosen XBMC as the external player & only one instance allowed.

The effect/problem is that you hear 2 sound feeds that sounds like an echo of each one is slightly delayed.
(you can see the "Server created, attempting to play" pop-up comes up twice like very quickly)

It doesn't matter if i start SopCast.exe with admin rights and configure it, it still happens.

In the picture below you can see that it is running with SYSTEM priviledges, and only one instance,
still the "double sound".
Irritating is that sometimes it doesn't happen and works fine, it's kinda random.
But most of the times i get the double stutter.

Wazzup? Huh


Messages In This Thread
How to enter Sopcast link? - by qknet - 2014-11-21, 12:48
RE: P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi - by dobbelina - 2014-12-29, 11:06
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P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi14