[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
(2015-01-07, 04:44)VTl511 Wrote: Is there anyway i can see what my friends are watching and we can share our playlist on kodi to each other?

also on Openelec Kodi RC3 i cant seem to launch the program i click on it and nothing happens..

I replied earlier but I just found this and thought I would share it with you as well, it is a post I found on the trakt VIP forum from one of the devs. The dev is responding to a question about functionality of the 'Inbox' shown on your dashboard when logged into the trakt.tv website. The dev provided some additional info that is applicable to your question. Again, this is specific to the trakt.tv website but it certainly introduces more possibilities for Kodi add-on development. I imagine much, if not all, of the 'social' functionality they plan on introducing could be used in Kodi via add-on if it were updated but I am not a developer so.....

Anyway, the post follows:

'We have plans for the inbox. Things like sending recommendations to a friend, notifications for system things, etc. That will come once v2 has caught up with v1 feature sets.

We'd also like to expand on social "stuff" and once we're back on more stable ground, we'll have time to start brainstorming some fun stuff. Oh yeah.. and freaking badges! Gah.. I've wanted to implement that pretty much since we started trakt, but there is always something more pressing.'

It sounds like we can look forward to many improvements in that 'social' category.

Just FYI!

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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by S7eele - 2015-01-07, 18:50
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13