[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
(2015-01-16, 17:48)ironhidePT Wrote: Hi Razee. I've been lurking this thread for the past 2 weeks, since after the Trakt update the watchlist for the many episodes of the many tv shows stopped working due to the new API, and waiting on an update of the XMBC/Kodi plugin or in this case, your script.

But the thing is: This situation is seriously driving me mad because I'm having trouble to keep up with what I've already watched and not, and I don't want to mark the episodes as watched manually on Trakt. And it happens that I am a software engineer and have some free time this weekend, so I created an account just to say that, if you need some help with the code, I'm available. Feel free to send me a PM or something if that's the case. Wink

Would be very nice.

1. Just let me know what you want to work on (so that we don't do the same things).
2. Create a fork from my dev branch https://github.com/Razzeee/script.trakt/tree/dev
3. Add your code, test it
4. Create a pull request
5. Start at 1 again Wink

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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by Razze - 2015-01-16, 20:13
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13