Linux Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.
Hi All,

Kodi/VLC is able to play bluray discs with libaacs + libbdplus approach if I create ~/.config/aacs dir and copy KEYDB.cfg file into it. Unfortunatelly this solution works only for some of the bluray discs. There are still discs which cannot be played. However MakeMKV application is able to successfully create mkv file from every disc I tried. Does it mean that MakeMKV uses different mechanism for bluray disc decryption? Or rather there is something wrong with my libaacs + libbdplus setup? Thank you.

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RE: Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option. - by Stan Svec - 2015-01-31, 21:53
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Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.1