VNSI versions and compatibility
1. put kodi in debug mode and restarted it
2. goto live tv and choose channel 1
3. switch to channel 2
4. start playing a tv recording
5. tried to choose channel 1, nothing happens
6. exit kodi

For me it seems to happen if I first watch live tv everything works fine for multiple channels. But if I view a recording and then try again to watch live tv it doesn't work anymore. I if first watch a recording and then live tv it also works. But after watching a recording live tv stops working. VDR is installed on a cubietruck with debian jessie.

Messages In This Thread
RE: VNSI versions and compatibility - by uuzi - 2014-02-06, 19:27
RE: VNSI versions and compatibility - by zeebee - 2015-02-15, 17:11
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VNSI versions and compatibility1