Release Foscam HD - Video feed with camera controls, and motion/sound detection preview
(2015-02-13, 00:44)quixers Wrote: Two changes fixed the motion detection pop up for my FI9831P camera.

1) Change in addons/script.foscam/resources/lib/
Alter the get_mjpeg_frame function to look like this. Seems sometimes the headers aren't consistent, or the previous frame doesnt end in a carriage return meaning you need a different number of readlines frame to frame. My change will keep reading the stream till it finds the content length header its looking for.

def get_mjpeg_frame(stream):
content_length = stream.readline()
while not "Content-Length" in content_length:
content_length = stream.readline()
bytes = int(content_length.split(':')[-1])
except requests.RequestException as e:
return None

2) Change alter addons/script.foscam/resources/lib/
Alter self._stream_url_fmt line to look like this. The url had to be changed as my camera is very particular about the ordering of the get parameters, username had to come first thus the 'Username required' error. Also the username/pass is passed as get parameters as below not as basic http creds.

self._stream_url_fmt = "http://{0}:{1}/cgi-bin/CGIStream.cgi?usr={2}&pwd={3}&cmd={{cmd}}".format(host,
OK It seems the 9831 behaves a bit differently to the 9821. I'll make these changes.
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RE: Foscam HD - by George - 2014-03-27, 17:30
RE: Foscam HD - Video feed with camera controls, and motion/sound detection preview - by Leopold - 2015-02-15, 23:25
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Foscam HD - Video feed with camera controls, and motion/sound detection preview1