Renaming Trailer Files
All my media and nfo files are coming from my old popcorn hour players and YAMJ.

I know EMM had/has support. I was curious if there was a simple way to convert to XBMC instead.

I am not as concerned with the NFO files as I am with the trailer files. Back in the day YAMJ was able to download trailers, so some of my movies have a movie.[trailer].mp4 file. However, xbmc translates this to another movie file, so I have movies list 2, 3, 4 times depending on the number of [trailer] files. If I could mass rename these to movie-trailer, it would be great, if not, I guess I will settle for deleting them, so I can clean up my library

Messages In This Thread
Renaming Trailer Files - by smakovits - 2015-02-17, 14:58
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by DanCooper - 2015-02-17, 15:51
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by smakovits - 2015-02-19, 04:14
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by DanCooper - 2015-02-17, 15:56
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by smakovits - 2015-02-17, 22:09
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by smakovits - 2015-02-18, 06:56
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by DanCooper - 2015-02-18, 10:25
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by DanCooper - 2015-02-18, 10:58
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by DanCooper - 2015-02-19, 09:32
RE: Renaming Trailer Files - by smakovits - 2015-02-19, 16:01
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