Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU)
(2015-02-20, 14:15)Sniffer77 Wrote: Not sure if that's correct . I believe it's up to the retailer if they honour any goods sold at incorrect price . Don't think it's a law in most countries
If a vendor advertise at a price and then says it was wrongly advertised, and gets away with it, then every retailer would be making such errors simply to get you into their store.
Doing such things to get you into their store, only to sell you the product at a higher price or sell you a more expensive product, is known as "bait and switch".

Such bait and switch tactics are illegal in almost all western countries i have visited.
That's why most retailers will honor wrongly advertised prices unless it can be argued that the price was so ridiculously low that it would be obvious, even to an idiot, that an error was made.
Reputable retailers don't want to be accused of bait and switch and don't want the authorities investigating such claims.
That's why reputable retailers will stand buy such sales.

It's also not unheard of for some online retailers to honor obvious error prices like $1 for $100's products.
It's happened to Dell, and amazon and others who have stood by their ridiculous and obviously errornous advetised prices.

So to simply cancel an order is not an appropriate way for a retailer to handle such issues.
Hence why i say it's worth looking up the local laws and then talking to the retailer.

You'd be surprised how local retailers resond to the term "not fit for purpose" or "not of merchandisable quality" when i buy something that does not live up to the advertised use or expected quality, and return it wanting a full refund (which IS my legal right).
Just wish more people would stand up for their legal rights more often.
Without us all standing up for them, they simply erode away....

But this thread is about NUC's not law...
I'm a XBMC novice :)

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RE: Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU) - by skylarking - 2015-02-20, 14:38
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