Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU)
Ok I am coming back to Kodi/XBMC I am going a NUC not screwing around with other stuff..

Now I've read so many review and write up.. I just get more and more confused..

I am going with i3 NUC...

Primary use stream media from my NAS and I want to use Aeon Skin..

1) I don't want any UI lag or application lag when using Kodi..
2) I just want to be able to power it up and it go straight into Kodi..
3) USB Dongle - RF Remote

So what OS/build/setup should i be using on this NUC?

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RE: Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU) - by JSLee - 2015-02-23, 08:38
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Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU)6