Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.1
(2015-03-03, 01:36)robweber Wrote: What skin are you using? I'm guessing the "refresh" setting they are passing is not a number. A debug log would probably have it.

I use CCM for Helix and Nebula for Helix, and for my Gotham machine, I use the older CCM for Gotham and Nebula for Gotham.

I am not sure what you meant by the "refresh" setting not being passed as a number.

As for the issue, it only started happening in the past couple of days. In addition, I can confirm it happening on both CCM for Helix, CCM for Gotham, and Nebula for Gotham (haven't tested on Nebula for Helix).


I figured out the problem. It was the 'special://home/userdata/addon_data/script.grab.fanart/settings.xml' file which was causing this. I deleted it and the problem went away. I will test further to make sure I do not have the same issue again.

Here is the contents of the 'settings.xml' file. I am not sure why the issue happened as a result. I never made the file nor edited it. It must have been added automatically in the past:

    <setting id="mode" value="random" />
    <setting id="refresh" value="" />

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RE: Fanart Grabber - script for skinners - by xbmcwayist - 2015-03-03, 11:13
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Fanart Grabber - Current Version 0.15.13